Year 5 Class

Hello and welcome to the Year 5 page!

This is where you will find all the information you need to know about what we will be doing in Year 5 this term and throughout the academic year. There is so much to look forward to, including: being stretched and challenged, an exciting curriculum, and an end of year trip to Beaumanor. This year at English Martyrs is going to be brilliant!

Remember it's really important to be at school every day, on time and ready to learn.

Y5 Class & Home Expectations

Behaviour in class

There is no place for unacceptable behaviour within our school community and these types of behaviour will be strongly discouraged.  We always try to work within a positive framework keeping parents/carers informed.  We understand that most pupils, during their time at English Martyrs Catholic school, may have an occasion when they have difficulty in behaving in the appropriate manner. 

The consequences of poor behaviour within Year 5 will follow the English Martyrs Behaviour Policy. ALL consequences will be appropriate to the child’s needs and/or emotional development.


P.E. lessons take place on a Monday (Outdoor) and Tuesday (Indoor). 

All children are expected to take part in a full P.E. kit and trainers. Earrings can be worn at school but, for health and safety reasons, they are not allowed during P.E.


Whilst most children now are independent readers, reading at home is still crucial. Children should read for 15 minutes each night - this could be their home reader, Reading Plus or a book of their own choice. This will be more productive if it is carried out in a calm, quiet environment.  Parents/ carers are encouraged to acknowledge this reading by signing the Reading Record after each read. There are plenty of incentives to encourage regular reading including gaining prizes from our Reading Shop. 


Homework will be set on a Friday and should be handed in on a Wednesday. There will generally be Literacy, Numeracy, Handwriting and, on occasions, topic work. In addition, they will also have spelling homework from their spelling work in class and written work. Children are encouraged to ensure that their homework is completed to a high standard and we ask parents to support us with this.

Year 5 - Key Documentation

Below are a number of important information documents about your child's learning at school and at home:

Autumn Term 2


Spring Term 1


Spring Term 2


Summer Term 1


Summer Term 2
