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We want children at English Martyrs to be confident mathematicians who aren’t afraid to take risks. Our aim is to ensure children make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasing sophisticated problems.

In order to achieve this we have identified our Intent, Implementation and Impact for the teaching of Mathematics across the school. 

Below you will find a brief summary of the key information from the 3I Mathematic's statement:

Curriculum Intent


  • At English Martyrs Catholic Primary School, we strive for our children at English Martyrs to be confident, curious, risk-taking mathematicians who make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasing sophisticated problems.  
  • It is important to instil a love of learning from an early age and to teach children that we learn from making mistakes.
  • Engagement of mathematics is essential therefore we want pupils to play a full and active part in the lesson, self-evaluating and striving to develop their own reasoning of mathematics 
  • We want the children to be aspirational mathematicians where they are fluent in mathematics, using their mathematical thinking to reason with number and apply their skills to solve problems outside of mathematics lessons.
  • We use White Rose Maths, which offers a framework to teach the Mathematics Programme of Study as laid out by the National Curriculum and the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, alongside other high-quality resources, including National Centre of Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) and NRICH.
  • We strive to have children develop a positive attitude and interest towards mathematics. 
  • We encourage children to ‘have a go,’ to have children notice numbers, patterns, shapes, and connections and to be able to discuss their findings with others.

Curriculum Implementation


  • White Rose: White Rose ‘Schemes of Learning’ provide sequential ‘Blocks’ of learning for the whole year, where children meet each area of learning each year, providing a spiral curriculum.
  • Each ‘Block’ provides sequential ‘Small Steps’ towards meeting curriculum outcomes. 
  • We use White Rose Maths as a framework for teaching because of its Concrete - Pictorial Abstract approach, which is fundamental to helping children build mental images in their heads, fully understand concepts and spot patterns easily.
  • Teachers use manipulatives to explain ideas and model techniques, and they are available in every lesson for children to use too. 
  • Pupils have the opportunity to work independently, in streamed or mixed ability groupings.
  • With good role models around the classroom, pupils are encouraged to talk about their maths to gain a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. This enables pupils to recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics. Pupils are encouraged to use full sentences and correct mathematical terminology and explanations.
  • We recognise the vital importance of fluency as a building block for all learning in maths. In addition to the one-hour daily lesson, we use at least three further sessions per week specifically for fluency, as well as embedding this within our Home Learning expectations.
  • Adults provide immediate feedback, so children know their successes and next steps.

Curriculum Impact


By the time children in Year 6 leave us, we want them to have the following experiences and understanding:

Developing Knowledge and Skills: 

Most children will have the knowledge and skills to be able to:

  • Meet National Expectations.
  • Calculate efficiently with integers, fractions and decimals.
  • Measure accurately.
  • Interpret statistics effectively.
  • Recognise shapes and their properties.
  • Reason mathematically.
  • Solve problems related to all of the above.
  • Explain and represent their thinking clearly.
  • Understand and use maths to enhance their learning across the curriculum.
  • Learn from mistakes and persevere when they meet challenges

Developing Creativity & Adventure: 

Children will:

  • Recognise that mathematics is a creative and highly interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries.
  • Understand that maths is essential to everyday life and use it to understand the world around them.
  • Develop a sense of enjoyment and curiosity around maths.

Being Ready and Respectful: 

As part of the Maths Curriculum, children will:

  • Believe in their potential as mathematicians.
  • Recognise the benefits of learning from mistakes or missteps.
  • Collaborate with peers.
  • Show respect for other's ideas and thinking.

Mathematics - Key Documents

Mathematics - Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Mathematics - Progression Document

Mathematics - Calculation Policy

Mathematics - Subject Long Term Plan