

At English Martyrs Catholic Primary School, we realise that Computing is more than just a subject but a lifelong skill that have become a permanent part of our pupil’s everyday lives. We understand that technology is forever evolving and we want to give our students to learn vital computing skills and knowledge and give as much opportunity to embed, experience, explore and explain across a wide variety of technology throughout the curriculum. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. This will enable them to become more informed and become thoughtful members of the digital community.

In computing we aim to develop curiosity. We want pupils to ask questions about digital safety and how this technology can be use across the curriculum to enhance their lives.

We want children to be aspirational in their work. We want them to challenge themselves to develop their coding skills to make them algorithms and be skilled at debugging

We want them to be fully engaged in computing lessons to enable them to work independently, become self-motivated and love exploring the use of technology in their everyday lives


The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

We follow a nationally recognised computing scheme called Teach Computing. Teach Computing is an educational programme provided by the National Centre for Computing Education. Each unit has been thoroughly tested and is grounded in the latest research. Each of the 69 available units is mapped against England’s computing curriculum.

In addition to following the computing curriculum, there are also links with other areas of the Primary Curriculum:.

English Writing Curriculum:

  • 1.3 – Programming (A) – Moving a robot

Maths Curriculum:

  • 2.4 – Data and Information – Pictograms
  • 4.3 – Programming (A) – Repetition in shapes
  • 4.4 – Data and Information – Data Logging
  • 5.4 – Data and Information – Flat-file databases
  • 5.4 – Data and Information – Spreadsheets

For skills taught more discretely such as skills Email and Blogging, topic themes could still be used to double-up on objectives covered.

Online safety units can be part of RSE\PSHE lessons; there is a strong link between the learning objectives related to online safety with many of the online safety lessons aligning with RSE\PSHE objectives.

Music and Art topics could be incorporated into lessons with a modelling of skills on both instruments/equipment and using the computer:

  • 1.2 – Creating media – Digital painting
  • 2.2 – Creating media – Digital photography
  • 2.3 – Programming (A) Robot Algorithms
  • 3.2 – Creating media – Stop frame animation
  • 3.3 – Programming (A) – Sequencing Sound
  • 4.2 – Creating media – Audio production
  • 4.5 – Creating media – Photo editing
  • 5.2 – Creating media – Video production
  • 5.5 – Creating media – Introduction to vector graphics

Curriculum Impact

During computing lessons, there are enough laptops for children to share one between two. This way children can support each other and learn to cooperate and work together collaboratively. For assessment purposes, teachers can split the class into two groups to ensure pupils can apply their knowledge and skills to the activities.


Key Subject Information:

Computing - Whole School Long Term Plan

National Centre for Computing Excellence - Learning Journey